1) After successful completion of the course institution issues Diploma/ Certificate within 30 to 60 days from the day of final exam.
11) The students should go through the prospectus and Rules chart thoroughly before taking admission.
2) The Institute will not take any responsibility whatsoever to issue Diploma/Certificate to the student if no claim has been made by the student within 90 days from the date of issuing the Diploma/Certificate. In that case the decision of the management will be final.
3) If a student does not attend classes for 1 month without adequate information the Head/Higher Authority has the full authority to cancel the registration of the student who is at fault. In that case the ward must have to take Readmission with a reliable explanation in order to continue the classes.
4) The students will be expected to contact the institute after receiving the report of irregularity, indiscipline on the part of Student or about fee arrears or any other misconduct to take appropriate action.
5) The centre Head / Higher authority reserves right to refuse admission to any student without assigning any reason or suspend or expel any student for impertinence, breach of rules etc.
6) The centre Head / Higher authority has the right and option to drop any student from the rolls of ascertaining their satisfaction that the continuance of such student is harmful to his own interest or in the interest of other students and in the case indiscipline, misbehaviour, negligence, irregular attendance and any other serious and objectionable attitude. In all such cases the students will not be entitled to refund of any fee or to claim any damage at any circumstances.
7) Students are strictly advised to keep their respective cell phones in silent mode at the Institute Premises. The students will also be expected to keep their important articles viz. Book, Copies, Bag, Umbrella, Pen, Pencil etc.. at the institute premise and to take those articles back home after the end of the class at their own responsibilities. In case of theft or loss due to absent mindedness or any other reason the Institute will not bear any responsibility to compensate at any circumstances.
8) Students should regularly attend the classes, both theoretical and practical and must be punctual in submission of the class assignments and projects.
9) We will expect that all the students of the Institute must appear in the class tests, periodical exams regularly and methodically.
10) Smoking, Tobacco Chewing, Consumption of alcohol and use of other alcoholic drugs are strictly prohibited in the premises of Institute. Any student involve in such cases will be debarred from the Institute and may be handed to the law enforcement authorities.
11) While in institute premises student must not tamper with any property they have been asked not to touch.
12) Maintain Silence, Discipline and Hygiene strictly at the Institute Premises.
13) Students are agreed to be bound by such rules and regulations framed by the Institute from time to time. Any student violating such rules or an act of indiscipline on the part of the student shall result in disciplinary action leading to dismissal from the Institute.
14) All the students , guardians are expected/requested to see our Notice Board regularly. Because your feedbacks and remarks are very important for us.
** The SOFTNET Bankura management reserves the right to modify or add to the above rules time to time as circumstances warrant.